
SEO Onpage

On-Page Factors:

Google search engine is now following these on-page factors strictly. Besides this Backlinks are needed for the better SERP rank.

After choosing the best keywords we will make sure that the targeted keywords are well optimized in the webpage.

The list of all On-Page Factors:

1) Url  Structure
2)  Meta Title Tag
3) Meta Decription
4) Meta Keywords
5) Alt  Tag
6) Headers Tag
7) Canoniacal Form
8) Robots.text file
9) Xml site Map( Search Engine Purpose)
10) HTML Site Map(User Purpose)
11) Google Anyalatics
12) Webmaster tools


In the past years Domain Name Selection also played an important role in search engine optimization. But now Google is not considering the domain names in optimizing them in the SERP(Search Engine Page Results). Domain Names are unique once registered cannot be used by others.

We can select any name as a Domain Names. It can be our Brand Name.

We will Discuss about the Domain extensions called as Top-level Domains(TLD), second-level domain names.

"". In this name ".com" is called as Top-level Domain Name(TLD). Andmysite is called as second level domain name.

There are 7 Top-level Domain Names. ".com, .org, .net, .edu, .gov, .int, .mil".

Of all the above ".com, .org, .net" can be chosen by anyone. whereas ".edu, .gov, .int, .mil" are for limited purposes.

Meta Title Tag 65 to 70 (best - 60 to 65)

When Search engines crawl the web pages first they go through the title of the page . So title is very important factor in Search engine optimization. In On Page SEO title plays a very important role in optimizing the page in google SERP results. They search for the keywords in the title and understand the topic of the webpage. The search engines decides for what keywords should the page must be displayed in the SERP Results. Title is the introduction to your webpage. So Title Optimization plays an very important role in SEO. Google concentrates more in the title rather than meta keywords.

Title information is written in between the <title> ... </title> tags in head section of the page.

<title>Primary Keyword |Secondry Keyword |Ternary Keyword </title>

Note:Secondry keyword,ternary keyword Should be supported primary keyword

<title>Keyword 1| Keyword 2 |keyword3 </title>

<title>Online Movies | Free Online Movies | Watch Online Movies</title>

Free online movies,watch online movies should  be supported to online movies (primary keyword)

The number of characters in the title tag should not exceed 70. Otherwise the search engine consider the page to be spam. Using the Targetted keywords of that page in the title tags is a good practise and helps in seo title optimization.

Meta Description in SEO

These are very important in optimizing. We must use meta description in every web page. This is the best part after the title tags.

                              The description should be meaningful along with the inclusion of the keywords. The character limit for the Google is 320 (new) / 160(old). For Yahoo is 165. MSN is 200+. So it would be better not to exceed 160.

<meta name="description" content="This is the description of this webpage. The description should be included with the targetted keywords for this page."/>

<meta name=”description” content=” Online Watch Movies, Movies Online Watch, Online Movie, Watch Movie Online, Free Movies Online, Hindi, Hollywood Movie, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam.”/>

Meta Keywords in SEO - 25 words or 200 characters

We write meta keywords in the page to inform the search engines about the main keywords. Google search is not considering the meta keywords in optimizing the web page. But yahoo in considering the keywords in the meta tag. Use limited keywords separated with commas(,).

<meta name="keywords" content="keyword1, keyword2, keyword3,etc../>"

<meta name=”keywords” content=”online movies,free online movies,watch online movies,online movies free to watch,online movie streaming, free online movies,free online movies download, online movies free,free new online movies./>”

Headers Tag

Header Tags SEO is a part of using the header tags in the webpage while writing the HTML code.

It is recommended to use atleast one <h1> tag in every web page. Upto 3 <h1> tags are allowed in a page. Using of header tags increases the importance of that word. Google crawler when reads our pages it highly concentrates on the heading texts(words written in heading tags). Keep the targetted keywords in header tags. In SEO it is very important to keep the targetted keywords in the header tags like h1 tag. This increases the importance of the targetted keyword and help in seo to get top ranks in SERP results.

Header tags includes <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>. All the header tags have importance in seo.

Off all the heading tags H1 has given more priority when compared to the other heading tags. If the styling of the page is getting disturbed while using h1 tag use css styles to decrease the size of the h1 tag.

Behind these header tags. bold tag (<b> or <strong>) also has very important role in seo. Make the targetted text where every necessary. But dont do it unnecessarily because google follows the strict rules If every word is made bold google may ban your web page. So be carefull while doing on page seo to your webpages.

And next follows the paragraph tag(<p>). Keep the paragraph content in the paragraph tag(<p>)

Priority of header tags SEO:
The order of priority given to the tag by google search engine is :

h1 > h2 > h3 > h4 > h5 > h6 > b > p

Canoniacal Form

What is a canonical URL?
Every page on your web site should be referred to using one and ONLY one URL.  This single URL for a page is called the canonical (preferred) URL.  There you have it!  Easy… breezy!  Sounds simple enough.
Why implement URL canonicalization?
ding duplicate content and split link juice/split page rank.  This is not optimal from an SEO perspective. And if you’re an SEO then you do get paid to “optimize”, right?  Let me explain…
For example, you may have a page on your site – an index.html default document – that lives in a folder off the root of your web called somefolder. That page may be accessible using many different URLs such as:

So in the example above, I would select as my canonical URL.  But that is just my preference.  You may like your canonical URL.  And this is perfectly fine.  The important thing is that you think about it ahead of time, come up with a canonicalization policy, and implement rules to enforce your decisions whatever they may be… and do it site-wide!

Robots.text file
Robots, Crawlers, Spiders etc are all recognized with the same. These crawlers indexes our website in their search engine databases. Google robots are called as Googlebot, Yahoo robots are called as Yahoo Slurp and MSN robots are called as MSN bot.

robots.txt is a text file which is created at the time of creating a website. This name is case sensitive, maintain all the letters to be lower case.

We give the instruction to the search engine through this file robots.txt file. robots.txt file guides the search engines whether to include or exclude the particular file or directory in its database. We create this file to hide the sensitive information from displaying them in the search engine results.

We place this file robots.txt in the root directory. That means we place this file besides the index file of our website.

How to create a robots.txt file ?

Example: robots.txt example
User-agent: *
Disallow: /examples_folder/example.html
User-agent: * means that the instruction is for all the search engine crawlers.
Disallow: instructs the crawler not to index the file /example_folder/example.html

If there are many files which you don't want them to be crawlerd. we can give manyDisallow: command for every file.

User-agent: *
Disallow: /examples_folder/example.html
Disallow: /examples_folder/example22.html
Disallow: /howto/sample.html

If you want all the files from a folder not be crawled by the search engines. The we give the command as Disallow: /example_folder. All the files inside this folder will not be indexed.

NOTE: There is an another process of giving the instruction. We do that through <meta> tag in the head section of every page.

Xml site Map( Search Engine Purpose)

This free and easy to use site map creator is fast, efficient and allows you to generate a sitemap that can instantly be submitted to Google. This tool will crawl your site and find pages automatically. The only requirement is a popular browser that supports java, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox and others

Xml Site Map Generator;
Enter your full website URL and some optional parameters in the form below.

Press 'Start' button and wait until the site is completely crawled.

You will be redirected to the generated sitemap details page, including number of pages,

broken links list, XML file content and link to a sitemap file. Download the sitemap file using that link and put it into the domain root folder of your site.

Go to your Google Webmaster account and add your sitemap URL.

         Click on Link   Generate your website xml code

HTML Site Map(User Purpose)

The HTML Sitemap Generator tool can be used to make HTML sitemap webpages for your website. A single webpage which lists all your webpages in a simple manner eases the job of the search engines when crawling your site. The customize page will allow you to change fonts, colours, header and footer of the final generated page so you can integrate it into your existing website design. Be sure to press preview before saving your HTML sitemap

Click On Link For Html code

GOOGLE  Anyalatics   

A free service from Google that enables Web masters and site owners to freely access Web analytics data. Google Analytics tracks visitors through your site and also tracks of the performance of your marketing campaigns.

• set up an account with them. This will provide you with a unique identifier to add to your site. You can only access information about your own site; you will not be allowed access to information for other sites unless the site owner explicitly grants it to you. The only people with access to your information will be yourself, and those you give special permissions to.

1. Go to the Google Analytics website (
2. If you do not have a Google account, click "Sign Up Now," which is located to the left of the sign-in box. This will take you to a page where you can sign up for a Google account.
3. If you have a Google account already, use your email address and password to sign in.
4. Click the Sign Up button to continue.
5. In the next window, provide Google with the URL of the site you wish to analyze.
6. Give the site an account name that is easy to remember. If you will be tracking multiple sites, this is especially important.
7. Select the country your site is based in, or the country it is serving. Then select the appropriate time zone.
• If your site is based in India but all your users are in the U.S., you can either select a U.S. time zone to figure out when in their day most choose to use your site, or you can set it to your city's time zone to see when you need the most workers on staff.
8. Click Continue.
9. In the next window, provide your contact information.
10. Click Continue.
11. In the next window, read the Google Analytics terms of service. If you agree with them, click the Yes box.
12. Click Create New Account.
13. Google will provide you with a block of code. Copy this - you'll need to insert it into your web site.
Step 2: Insert Google Analytics JavaScript Into Your Pages
• You must insert the code that Google Analytics provides you with into every page you want tracked. If you have a technical person who takes care of your pages, you can have them add the code for you.
Inserting Google Analytics Code for Most Sites
• To insert the Google Analytics code, you need to get into the HTML of your page.
• If you are using a service like WordPress, you'll need to open the footer.php file to place this code.
1. Find the </body> tag at the very bottom, just above the </html> page.

Google Webmaster Tools Tutorial

Google Webmaster Tools is a web interface provided by Google free of charge. It is widely used by webmasters to check their website indexing and optimize the overall website ranking in the search engines. Such a check is essential for the Search Engine Optimization of every site and it is the only proven way to position better in web searches.

In our Google Webmaster Tools Tutorial we will introduce the included services, give hints on how to use them,and explain how to create a Google Webmaster Tools account.
Google Webmaster Tools provides the following very useful services for your website:
• Submit/check the sitemap for your website.
• Adjust the crawl rate of the Google bots for your website and view the statistics.
• Generate/check the robots.txt file for your website.
• List the internal and external pages that link to your website.
• Check what keyword searches led the site to being displayed in the Google search engine results pages and click-through rates for them.
• Check statistics about how Google has indexed your website and whether it has found any issues while doing so.
• Set a preferred domain name (e.g. over or vice versa) which will determine how the site URL will be displayed in search engine results pages.

You will be asked to log in or create a new account. The registration process is simple and you should not experience any troubles.
Once logged in with your Google account to the Google Webmaster Tools interface you should start by adding your website. To do so click on the Add a Site button. A pop-up will appear and you will be prompted to enter your website domain name. Once you have done it you will see your newly-added website under the sites menu.
The next step is to verify you are the owner of the website. For this purpose click the Verify this site link. The easiest way to verify the website is by uploading an HTML file. Choose this option from the Verification Method drop-down menu and follow the verification steps:
1. Click the Download verification file link and save the file to your local computer.
2. Connect to your hosting account via an FTP Client or using cPanel -> File manager and upload the downloaded file under the webroot directory (most commonly public_html) for your domain name.
3. Verify that the file is successfully uploaded by visiting the proposed link.
4. Finally click the verify button.
At this point you will be redirected to the Google Webmaster Tools dashboard for the website you have just verified.


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